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Links to Cool Sites/Forums.
Yep, here are some of my favourite places to go on the web.P>

All For the Music
Profiles and lyrics from artists around the globe (English speaking). Also, an interactive forum and chat room. A site I built that... isn't really finished yet. It is currently being transferred to a different host.

7th Fantasy Heaven
Another site by me. Based on one of the best Final Fantasy's. FFVII. Currently being transferred from old location over here.

Eyes on Final Fantasy
One of the best final fantasy sites around with a huge forum. A great community to be part of.

Final Fantasy Legend
Another great final fantasy site. With forums and chat.

Tycho and Enigma Studios
A beautifully made anime site that's just started out. Worth supporting.

Penultimate Reality
The site doesn't really have a point yet...

Anime Nation
This is a forum that has over 8,000 members I think. Huge place to discuss anime.

Warriors II - The Ultimate Fight.
A cool orpg, no dowloading neccessary.

Another cool FF forum. Strongly recommend it.